Friday 11 November 2022


Be valuable not available
Satisfy your soul not the society
Better to vibe alone than with fakes
We ignore truths for temporary happiness
Your happiness is your responsibility
Love the person inside you
First it hurt,
then it changes you
Losing toxic people is a win
Trust your uniqueness
Love without limits,
live without regrets
Make memories with the right people
Listen to your heart,
not to people’s opinion
Whatever comes, let it come
Whatever stays, let it stay
Whatever goes, let it go
Whatever you are,
be a good one
Sometimes being alone is the upgrade
Good times become good memories,
bad times become good lessons
Your peace matters more than being right
Collect moments,
not things
Action expresses priorities
Be patient,
everything comes to you
in the right moment
Enjoy the little things,
for one day you may look back,
and realise they were the big things
Smile a little more, 
regret little less
Time will heal everything
One bad chapter does not mean your story is over. 
Turn the page

Wednesday 8 October 2014

15 Inspiring Huithiang Quotes

We all have our own dreams to pursue, a life to weave, and we all have the power to make it come true, as long as we believe || Huithiang

If roses can bloom in the midst of thorns, you too can survive the seemingly heartaches and disappointments of life || Huithiang

To love someone is to give that person the power to control your life, either for good or bad - but trusting that it will be for the best || Huithiang

Sadness may fly away on the wings of time but memory has a way of bringing it back into your life. Don't let it seize control of your life. Deal with your emotion immediately, but softly and tenderly || Huithiang

Don't let the nasty blows of life take away the spirit of love and kindness inside your heart. Grow with the obstacles and don't let it harden your heart || Huithiang

Dream without limits,
Love without reservation,
Give without expectation,
Remember without regrets,
Live without guilt || Huithiang

What matters most in life is not what happens to you and how you deal with it but what you give and take from life || Huithiang

God is never early. But He is also never late. He is always on time, no what when, where, why and how || Huithiang

Don't shout and scream for God to hear you; He is not deaf and nearer to us than we think || Huithiang

What other people think is only what other people think. What you think of yourself is what really matters. Value yourself || Huithiang

Make your life better. It's entirely up to you. Who else would know what you want or need but you? || Huithiang

Release your fear, doubt and brokenness. Embrace your courage, faith and wholeness. God has great things in place for you || Huithiang

Disappointment is not your final destination. It is only the junction. Choose wisely and you can move on from there || Huithiang

It may look hopeless,
It may feel frustrating,
but remember this -
All things are possible!
May not be in your timing but right on God's time || Huithiang

You may have been broken, time without numbers, but you will never be defeated -  the anchor holds || Huithiang